Mourning Ed Cooke
We are sad to report on the death of longstanding Liberal Democrat member Ed Cooke.
Islington is one of the most vibrant and diverse boroughs in the country. However it faces great challenges: inequality, crime, pollution and poor quality housing are among the most pressing.
Without change the United Kingdom, London and Islington face a poorer future. Islington Liberal Democrats have a positive vision for an Islington where all communities can live a good life, with the Council getting the basics right, delivering better transport, affordable and high quality homes and a cleaner, safer borough.
Nationally and locally our members work for a fairer voting system so that everyone's voice is heard, rebuilding our relationship with the European Union to reverse the negative effects of Brexit, and tackling climate change so that our children have a future.
We hope that you will be inspired to join us to fight for a fairer Islington.
We are sad to report on the death of longstanding Liberal Democrat member Ed Cooke.
It is with great sadness that we report on the death of local Liberal Democrat member and colleague Andrew Hyett.
Islington’s Upper Street Post Office faces closure, putting vital services at risk for locals. Liberal Democrats Kate Pothalingam and Terry Stacy are campaigning to save it, urging the community to sign a petition to keep this essential branch open.
Mark Pack and Jeremy Hargreaves, residents and Liberal Democrat members in Islington, have both been recognised for their long-standing efforts in promoting a healthy political envrionment.
The Liberal Democrats back the need for new housing in Islington and support the redevelopment of Archway Campus, but they’re pushing for changes to meet the needs of the local community.
Islington Liberal Democrats are delighted to announce that the guest speaker at our Annual General Meeting will be Roz Savage, MP, MBE.